Automating spotify playlist creation
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Personal Blog
Monthly playlists
This project is a proof-of-concept for the task of identifying fungi species from digital images using deep learning. In this preliminary exploration of the idea, I trained a model to correctly classify and differentiate between the Amanita muscaria and Xylodon raduloides species of fungi. The final deployed model performs with an accuracy of roughly 90%. I created a flask application to serve the model on the web. It is hosted on the Google cloud platform and can be accessed at the following link.
The idea of a personal website is an exciting one. Your thoughts and ideas in digital form can escape the confines of your mind and be entertained by another inquisitive mind anywhere in the world, or beyond. As such, I like to think of it like my own Voyager 1 probe, far out of my sphere of everyday reality, in a place of new worlds where someone may learn from it, and maybe even correspond.